Venice is liberated
On the night of 27 April 1945, Venice, following the example of other cities in the north of Italy, rose up against the Fascist-Nazi occupation. Political prisoners were liberated from Venice’s Santa Maria Maggiore prison so they could join the Resistance fighters in their struggle for freedom. On April 28, there were battles in two key places: Piazzale Roma and the harbour station (Marittima): this lessened the possibility for escape by land and sea for the occupation troops who were now en route to other cities of the north, badgered by the Allies.In several parts of the city there were skirmishes and gunfire; the smaller islands were liberated while, at the Hotel Regina, negotiations were going on for surrender. At 4 a.m. on 29 April, the treaty for surrender was signed in the presence of the English commander-in-chief and, on April 30th, the whole city was liberated. Allied Forces entered the city and, once again, a joyful and crowded Saint Mark’s Square became a symbol of liberation.