The association meets the mayoral candidate Luigi Brugnaro
The Associazione Piazza San Marco met the mayoral candidate Luigi Brugnaro at the Caffè Florian before a large and attentive audience at 11 am. As in previous meetings with the other candidates, the president, Alberto Nardi, pointed out the various problems affecting the Square, as also described several times on this website. Nardi recalled the constant invasion of the area by very intrusive, oscillating, ‘eat and run’ tourism, the numerous and increasingly aggressive presence of illegal, mainly Asiatic, hawkers who constantly ‘occupy’ St Mark’s Square, the well-known question of the high tides that will continue even with the Sistema Mose in operation and lead to the decay of the historic buildings in the Square such as the Procuratie Vecchie, with business people forced also to suffer, in addition to the difficulties, not inconsiderable economic damage, the often unsuitable management of the Square, obliged to host low quality events and undergo crowd invasions such as at Carnival, and the need for constant surveillance of the Square as provided, for example, by the San Marco Guardians, who should be institutionalised. After having listened very carefully to Nardi’s talk, Brugnaro noted that his decision to stand was made after Nicola Pellicani’s defeat in the PD’s primaries. Brugnaro claims that with Felice Casson the conditions will exist to bring back to Ca’ Farsetti all those who created no few disasters in recent years. The owner of Reyer then stated that the city council must work with the subsidiarity of associations and individuals in the context of a clear institutional and above all ethically correct framework. Room then for those who want to act and for meritocracy, as in sport: competition and rules. Furthermore, as recalled several times in other election events, Brugnaro confirmed that he is not a candidate of the parties, but wants to be a candidate of the people and so wants only to make an agreement with the inhabitants. The council apparatus must be placed under a commissioner and in the first six months, if he becomes mayor, Brugnaro intends holding on to all the assessors’ proxies and creating only thematic panels to develop suitable projects. Brugnaro thinks that St Mark’s Square should be turned into a symbolic place for the application of law and order through the cooperation of all. The fundamental aspect of protecting the Square from high tides must be achieved through an international project. Brugnaro thinks it is necessary to draw up a strategic design for the future of Venice and that the metropolitan city will be the salvation of lagoon Venice. In the photo a moment during the meeting at the historic Caffè Florian.