Meeting of the Association’s executive.
The executive of the Associazione Piazza San Marco met on 14 September to take stock of the association’s various activities and to plan future engagements. After some provisions relating directly to the life of the Association, the executive decided, after detailed discussion, to end the positive activity of the ‘San Marco Guardians’ on Sunday 7 October and to subsequently announce, on a date to be decided, a press conference to present the results of this positive and successful project. The Association also decided to assist the Iveser (Venetian institute for the history of the resistance and contemporary society) in holding a photographic exhibition entitled ‘Venezia in Piazza (1866-2011)’ with a financial contribution. The exhibition will recount a ‘United Venice through 50 photos of its Square: moments, events and personalities, between the 19th and 20th centuries’ and be opened in the foyer of the Ospedale Fatebenefratelli at 5.30 pm on 26 September 2012. Finally, the question of organising the Association’s communications was also considered, with regard to possibly updating and renewing its website. Some of these points will be discussed at the members’ meeting planned for the first months of 2013.