Associazione Piazza San Marco
18 February 2013

First meeting of the Association’s new Executive

The first Executive of the Associazione Piazza San Marco, a body made up of nine people appointed for two years from 2013 to 2015 and elected at the General Meeting of the association on 15 February 2013, met on 18 February 2013 at the Gran Caffè Florian. The Executive looked at the different items on the agenda and unanimously approved the new appointments, with the reappointment of Dr Alberto Nardi as President. The other elected appointments are Deputy Vice President Claudio Vernier, Vice President Walter Harm, Secretary Domenico Lalli and Treasurer Vladimiro Boldrin. The Executive decided to postpone deciding on the particular responsibilities of those elected to another meeting. Among the first decisions made, the Association will try to arrange a meeting with the city councillor for public works Alessandro Maggioni and with Consorzio Venezia Nuova about the timing for dismantling the St Mark’s Bell Tower building site. The association is intending to organise a small event to celebrate the end of the works.