Associazione Piazza San Marco

Annual Meeting of members of the Associazione Piazza San Marco called for Friday 15 February 2013

The Annual General Meeting of members of the Associazione Piazza San Marco was called by President Alberto Nardi at the Luna Hotel Baglioni, San Marco 1243, on Friday 15 February at 3.30 pm for the first convocation and at 4 pm for the second. The agenda included the President’s notices, the financial statement for 2012 and the election of the Executive for the three years 2013-2015. All ordinary, fully paid-up members are entitled to vote. Information about members’ proxies, eligibility for the Executive and more can be found in the association’s Statute at the following address: http://www.associazionepiazzasanmarco. it/doc/statuto_1. pdf