As an amazing sunset over the lagoon once again lit up the waters and historic buildings of Venice, thousands of Venetians formed a beautiful ‘Living Heart’ at around six o’clock in St Mark’s Square, replicating the big success of 25 April 2014, when an enormous living rose bud was recreated, also in Venice. The project, Venezia Rivelata, was carried out in association with Vela Spa, with the support of 2erre Organizzazioni and sponsored by the Venice city council’s cultural office. A heart whose significance was the great love Venetians have for their city. All the participants, Venezia Today pointed out, were dressed entirely in white, the colour of purity, justice and hope, with the aim of recalling Venice’s great history in the field of human rights and justice over the centuries. The event was conceived by the artist Elena Tagliapietra in association with the Venetian writer Alberto Toso Fei. Photo by ‘Venezia Rilevata’