"Now the works to put in dry the Piazza"
The high water that has drowned the accounts of the Caffè Quadri is also a wake-up call for those activities, especially in the lower part under the Old Procuratie, at year end will account 200 days of flooding over 365. The association Piazza San Marco is worried and calls for an appointment with the President of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova, Giovanni Mazzacurati, to understand to what extent is the project for waterproofing of the Piazza, which seems uncertain of realization. So says President Alberto Nardi, who collects, from all the shops of the Piazza, the complaints for the financial losses associated with the days of closure due to high water. So far, for the precision, 190 have been the days when the tide has exceeded the threshold of 80 cm and there are still 15 days to the end of the year. There has been a continuous growing trend, last year had been 125 times and the year before "only" 80. "We want to raise public awareness on the constant problem of flooding in Piazza San Marco - Nardi says - it is true that deep water is everywhere, but it is also true that this is the lowest point of the city and the tides that elsewhere are insignificant here stops everything. " Nardi focuses on the complementary works to Moses: "It is a paradox that they have not been realized. It is ridiculous that we have spent hundreds of millions of euro for not safeguarding the heart of the city. Also because if the Mose will not be decisive for San Marco, the alternative remedies are strogly needed. And then what happened to the project to make the Piazza waterproof? There is no more money? It will not be completed? " Without considering the merits for or against the great works Nardi hoped that from the meeting with the Consortium, some positive news may arise. Also because the prospects are bleak. (From an interview with THE GAZZETTINO of 16/12/2010)