It will be difficult for Piazza San Marco to host large stages for rock concerts from now on: future summer evenings, by request of the City of Venice, will be handled in a more "soft" way at La Fenice. Tonight the musical performance "One hundred rings in San Marco" will end the prefestival "The spirit of music in Venice" commissioned by the City Opera Foundation for the tourist season. There will be two brass ensembles in the piazza: a "small group" with musicians from La Fenice and a "large group" consisting of sixty trumpet professionals, students or enthusiasts, who will play for over an hour. The real news, as the head of La Fenice, Cristiano Chiarot, told the local press, is that we are beginning a new policy for managing this extraordinary space that will limit its use to prestigious events with low environmental impact. Next year, we expect the return of Othello which will be performed in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale.