The mayor of Venice Giorgio Orsoni and the councillor for commerce Carla Rey intend reordering the itinerant sales stands in the St Mark’s area. The news was reported in the Gazzettino of 13 May 2013 by Michele Fullin, who writes that the mayor’s aim is to take action on the waterfront from the Paglia to the Riva degli Schiavoni and also in the Giardinetti Reali area. ‘In agreement with the Soprintendenza, we can study better solutions that are also more useful for the city, impacting on appearance, at least’, said the mayor. A solution that, it is hoped, will also be found for the mega-advertising that covers the facade of the Ala Napoleonica, or the Correr Museum, on the St Mark’s side. As reported in the Gazzettino today and as already denounced by Alberto Nardi, president of the Associazione Piazza San Marco, there are no longer funds for restoring this facade, so the works have been halted and the huge hoarding, among much controversy, seems to have been made specifically to hold the big advertising posters, and it is not known, writes the newspaper, where the proceeds from these have gone.