visit to the exhibition ‘Carlo Scarpa, Venini 1932 - 1947’
The Associazione Piazza San Marco, on the initiative of its president Alberto Nardi, is organising a visit to the stunning exhibition ‘Carlo Scarpa, Venini 1932 - 1947’ at the Fondazione Cini on San Giorgio island at 5.30 pm on Thursday 4 October 2012. The exhibition is showing a selection of more than 300 works designed by the Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa in the years when he was artistic director at the Venini glassworks (from 1932 to 1947), some of which are being exhibited for the first time and come from private collections and museums all over the world. The visit is open to members and friends of the Association. This important cultural event has been organised by our member Cesare Zanini and, among other things, will allow participants to catch up on and discuss the Association’s activities. Confirmation must be sent by 30 September to the secretary of the Association Domenico Lalli by fax: 041-81031156, text: 3292128991 or email: segreteria@associazionepiazzasanmarco.it