Zucchero coming to St Mark’s Square for two concerts
St Mark’s Square rediscovers rock music after seven years with the Zucchero concert, where he will sing his big hits on 3 and 4 July before a full house. This very enthralling show will certainly create a special atmosphere, though there has been no lack of some controversy, as usual in Venice, over the use of the Square for this kind of event. The very light stage will actually be set up on Saturday 30 June and quickly removed within two days of the 4 July concert, as announced by the city council, the organisers and the various authorities and bodies involved, including the Associazione Piazza San Marco. The Nuova Venezia has estimated that 7000 people will attend the event, divided between 5000 in the house and 2000 in the stallage made available by the historic cafes involved. Zucchero, who will present his ‘The best live’ show, has stated on several occasions that ‘Venice is just made for harmony, grace and art’. The costs of the fittings and security for the concert will be entirely paid for by the artist, who will also make a donation to the city for a restoration project.