Mounted twenty ashtrays in Piazza San Marco
From today those who walk through Piazza San Marco will find ashtrays, attached to each trash bins, where you can leave your cigarette butts. The assembly of the ashtray was made this morning by the technicians at Veritas, at the presence of Municipal Trade and Urban Quality, Carla Rey: a project to improve the quality of the Marciana, urged by the Piazza San Marco, the City has entered into service contract Veritas. "An operation - took over the commissioner Rey - today we start in Piazza San Marco and that next week we will repeat in Mestre, Piazza Ferretto, to raise awareness of citizens and tourists not to leave cigarette butts on the ground." But the project will not stop the ashtray bins of the main squares of Venice and Mestre, he will continue with the distribution to trade customers who request it, in appropriate containers to be placed outside the store. "We want to - continued Rey - that more and more businesses take an ashtray, which will be loaned free of charge to those who so requests." The only requirement for traders will be emptying the container and the night shelter in the shop during the hours of closure, requests must be received by Veritas or direct to the offices of the Service Quality of the Urban Municipality of Venice (tel. 041.2747774 - fax 041.2747738) . The winds today in St. Mark's mounted ashtrays are designed to be applied to the special garbage bins will be emptied and anti-implosion, along with the junk, every day by the operators of Veritas, as well as with 1066 bins which are placed in center. Thanking the President of the Piazza San Marco, Roberto Nardi, who has stressed the environmental importance of collecting cigarette butts, the assessor has finally noted that the proposed collection started in Piazza San Marco has not produced the results expected. "We need to focus, as now, to involve citizens, tourists and merchants to take steps together to improve the quality of urban life. We act, together with Alderman Environment and Veritas, for an awareness campaign aimed at promoting recycling, it is necessary to protect the environment is to break down the waste collection rates. "